
ObjectNet Challenge Documentation

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ObjectNet Challenge

This page provides in-depth instructions on encapsulating your predictive model and code into a Docker image for submission to the ObjectNet Challenge. Containerising your model and code in a Docker image provides a self-contained execution environment that allows the challenge platform to run your model and evaluate your results.

If you are not familiar with docker instructions are available on how to install docker, along with a quick start guide.

Follow the steps outlined below to create a Dockerfile and build and test your docker image. Upon successful completion of locally testing your docker container, you may then continue to submit your model to the challenge.

Select your instruction set

Challenge participants should use one of the following instructions that matches the framework used to create a docker image:

Docker internet access, memory and execution time constraints

The following restrictions will be placed on docker images submitted for evaluation to the ObjectNet Challenge:

Managing Docker Artifacts

When you build and run docker images locally, and when you submit images for evaluation using the evalai push command, docker images and containers are stored on your local hard drive. If you do not housekeep these containers and images, they can quickly consume a significant amount of space on your hard drive.

Housekeeping Docker images

To list the images stored locally use:
# docker images -a 
To remove an individual image use:
# docker rm <image> <image> 
To remove dangling images. Dangling images are layers that have no relationship to any tagged images. They no longer serve a purpose and consume disk space.
# docker image prune <image> <image> 
To list images matching a certain pattern:
# docker images -a |  grep "pattern" 
To remove images matching a certain pattern:
# docker images -a | grep "pattern" | awk '{print $3}' | xargs docker rmi 

Housekeeping Docker containers

A docker container is essentially an instantiation of a docker image at runtime. To list all containers:
# docker ps -a 
To remove containers:
# docker rm <ID_or_Name> <ID_or_Name>
To remove all exited containers:
# docker rm $(docker ps -a -f status=exited -q) 
To list containers matching a pattern:
# docker ps -a |  grep "pattern”
To remove containers matching a pattern:
# docker ps -a | grep "pattern" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs docker rm

Additional Information

For more information on housekeeping your docker environment see How To Remove Docker Images, Containers, and Volumes

Other Docker resources

Docker base images

Whenever possible, use current Official Repositories as the basis to build your customised image:

Other information

For more info about using Caffe to build deep learning models.